Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Light blogging....

Since I'll be in Europe for the next couple of weeks, blogging will be light, if it even happens. Never mind, my trusty co-bloggers will hold down the fort! Pity, though, with the mid-terms coming up...

I'll sign out with a parting thought: will somebody tell me where the so-called "liberal" media went? John Kerry tells a bad joke about Iraq, and CNN is all over him, with Karl Rove-like intensity. On the other hand, as Josh Marshall and other have pointed out, Bush says that voting for the Democrats is akin to voting for terrorism, guessed, nothing from CNN. No wonder the United States ranks so low in press freedom. Wait, here comes Nancy Grace...

It gets worse. When some guy tried to ask George "Macaca" Allen some hard-hitting questions, Allen's thugs attacked him and threw him to the ground. But CNN tries to defend this behavior by saying the guy had a backpack on, so maybe they thought he was a terrorist. No joke.

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